Thursday, March 24, 2005

I'm Home Now

Hello All,
I'm back from Panama City, FL. Did you miss me? Please don't answer that. The important thing is that I'm back on line. It was a rough 5 days not being connected, but I'm ok. Do you have a skype Username? If so - give it to me. If you don't know what I'm referring to you have not been checking my blog daily and I'm hurt.

So Bart has made us a Google Group for Ultimate Frisbee Sundays. Smart boy. I guess if you didn't get his e-mail and want to be on this group list, e-mail him. It's really great though - you can change the settings to only read postings on line and not get a million e-mails regarding how great everybody thinks they are. And you'll know when we'll be playing next.

I'll have more great things soon. My space on the web is slowly expanding and I'll have more to report in a little while.Posted by Hello


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