Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Hi Kids! Time for movie review by Ree. I review two ways. Good or Bad. I don't give anything other than that.

I saw "Flight of the Pheonix" last night. A movie I previously thought "would suck" b.c. the previews made it look like the whole movie was going to take place in the same scene . I was brought back to "Phone Booth" where basically you stared at a phone booth for 2 hours and got bored. Well, this movie still took place in the same scene (the desert), however, I actually liked the movie. I was going to set up Flicker on my mac and blog during the movie, but ended up giving it my undivided attention instead. "Flight of the Pheonix": Good. It took me away from blogging. Impressive.

"Alfie": Bad. Jude Law is still hot. But hot, cocky and stupid is no way to play a role Jude.

"Sideways": Bad. That movie could've been 15 minutes. That's all I'm going to say.

Ok, enought negativity.


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